Sunday, June 21, 2009


I'm going to post the next bit in my Clique Fanfique. CHAPTER ONE! I know the title is Chapter Two but who gives a fuck?

Here it is:

The Café

Monday, October 8th
12:09 PM

“Ehmagawd,” Massie Block said to Claire Lyons. “Where is Leesh? She was supposed to be here fifteen minutes ago.”
“I don’t know,” said Claire. “Cam said Josh wanted her to eat with him at the trailers. He wanted me to, too, but I said I wanted to sit with the Pretty Committee.”
Massie rolled her amber eyes. “I know she and Josh are, like, in love or whatevs, but this is getting seriously ah-nnoying! It’s the third time in a week she’s bailed on lunch with us.”
Dylan Marvil shrugged. “Kristen isn’t here either. She’s at soccer practice.”
“With Deeeempseeyyyyy,” Claire sing-songed.
“Exactly!” Massie stomped her Michael Kors navy suede boot-clad foot. She turned to Dylan. “I’m surprised you’re not with Derrington — excuse me, Derrick.” She smirked.
Dylan ignored the jab about her usage of her boyfriend’s real name instead of the secret nickname Massie had made up for him, long ago. “We doubled to school today anyway, and we’re going to Slice of Heaven after school.”
“Ehmagawd.” Massie snorted. “You do that like every day. What happened to all your diets?”
Dylan fluffed her red hair, which so didn’t need it. “I have a boyfriend now. And he likes me the way I am. Make that ah-dores.”
“Just like Chris Plovert and Kemp Hurley did last spring?” Massie raised one eyebrow and took a bite of fresh iceberg lettuce salad.
Dylan turned redder than her hair, ahb-viously remembering how she’d burped and ate her way into gaining ten pounds, and losing her two admirers. “Shuddup. Shouldn’t you be happy that I’ve gotten some confidence? You always said my weight obsession made you crazy.”
“It’ll make me even crazier to watch you bloat to a size eight,” Massie shot back. She crossed her arms across her chest and glared out the window-wall in the direction of the trailers, where Alicia was undoubtedly enjoying a love-lunch with Josh, and Kuh-laire could have been having one with Cam. Then she shifted her gaze to the soccer field, where she could make out blurry shadows of the Sirens and the Tomahawks, and one extremely fat shadow that could have been Kristen getting cozy with her new crush, Dempsey Solomon, who used to be Massie’s! And so did Derrington.
Gawd! It seemed like these days everyone but her had a new BF. She scanned the Café for a boy that might have suddenly gotten hawt over the weekend. But nobody had. She felt like Jennifer Aniston after she’d lost Brad, and Vince, and John. She lost her long-time crush Derrington, who ditched her for Dylan just like Brad had for Angelina. Only it was backwards. She was supposed to be Angie. Nawt Dylan. And then Dempsey ditched her, supposedly for Layme Abeley, but then for Kristen, who was supposed to be helping her get Dempsey!
It was cool to have a lot of ex-crushes, because it showed you had experience. But it was different when you were the one who got dumped. Then, instead of making you feel like a sexy femme fatale, you felt like an LBR (Loser Beyond Repair.) Something had to happen, fast, because that was just nawt an option.
And she knew all the other people in the eighth grade looked up to her, the alpha. And far from making her feel proud and important, as it usually did, it was making her feel the pressure more than Paramore.
She straightened her purple velveteen fedora. It matched her hair streak. Wasn’t it supposed to guarantee her access to everything fabulous? She’d gone through weeks of LBR-makeovering, and almost made a public apology, to get it. And yet she no longer seemed to have access to fabulous boys. Back when OCD didn’t have a B, she’d had Derrington. And now her precious school was full of boys, and they chose her less-fabulous friends! Sure Alicia was more beautiful — not that she’d ever admit that out loud. Sure Dylan was funnier, sometimes. Kristen was a much better athlete. And Claire was kinder, in a nauseating sort of way. But she was an alpha. And that mattered more than any of those qualities.
Or at least, it used to.

Hope you love it!


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