Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Shoe Time!

I now present to you the Marc Jacobs Lace-up shoe with heart heel!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

It's Spring!

Or summer. Yeah, it's been freaking hot. Everything's in bloom, and the magnolias have already come and gone. Our cherry is in bloom, and I took some killer pictures. (Those are not getting posted; you will see them if I ever become a photographer like my dad.) BTW, how much do you love Blue Foundation? It's a band, not some ocean-saving organization. But I did attend a save-the-whales meeting at my school this week. I have to admit, I found them on my Twilight soundtrack (I have The Score too. Love the Lullaby!), but I really do love their song, "Eyes on Fire." Ha-ah ha-ah hahhh. Anyway. . . Go enjoy that blooming thing we call nature! I know I will.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day, You Earth-lovin' Fools

Today is the greatest of all days. Earth day. Today we celebrate what we so seldom do. Our home, our motherland (MOTHERLAND!!!), the place where we changed from amino acids to bacteria to fish to monkeys to neanderthals to people. (there was a little lesson in bio history for ya. It's on my list of Classes to Take in College, a sub-file of Places to Apply to College.) Have you seen the Google thing today? It is so cool. Anyway, what are you doing online? GO PLANT A TREE!


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My Poetry Anthology for Reals

Yes, yes, I know I just published a poem, but that is not really a part of the Anthology. Well, it kind of is, but it is not the Official Anthology Poem of the Moment. This is.

Hope is the Thing With Feathers, by Emily Dickinson (my relative! My very, very distant relative.):

Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches on the soul,
And sings a tune without the words,
And never stops at all,

And sweetest in the gail is heard;
And sore be the storm
That could abash the little bird
That kept so many warm.

I've heard it in the chilliest land
And on the strangest sea;
Yet, never, in extremity,
It asked a crumb of me.

Pretty, isn't it? If it is a little long.


Fucking Weather

Okay, so my poem isn't about pigs, it's about, obv., the FUCKING WEATHER. I wrote it on the bus yesterday, an ode to walking home in the rain.

Walking to the Bus in the Rain, by self

Crystal droplets
In my hair.
Seeping through my sweater
Is chilled air.
My house will be surrounded
By a freezing moat.
Why oh why
Didn't I remember my coat?
Twisted clouds
Fill the sky.
This is the kind of weather
Where squirrels die.

Emo, isn't it? And I bet you're thinking that it's out of context, for California at least. But get real, people. Only in southern Cali do people enjoy sunny weather year-round and 80 degree Christmases. It can get pretty freaking freezing up here in a town I will neglect to name. Sigh. But. *sings Vanessa Hudgen's Say Ok* At least I have a cup of steaming cafe au lait to keep me warm :]

I may have neglected to mention that I am, as well as a fashion-lover, writer, and artist, I am a cafeine addict and have a love of France. You may have guessed this from the name of my blog. If you didn't, you're a moron and should die like those squirrels.

I fear that I am about to do the same, but from boredom instead of cold. This town is just as ho-hum as Forks, without incredibly sexy vampires to fall in love with. And I am sorry to report that on Google if you type in the letter "e", the first suggested search that comes up is for Edward Cullen, and for "r" it is none other than Robert "I Am Physically Incapable of Shaving and Getting a Haircut" Pattinson.



Saturday, April 18, 2009


I want a pet pig :[
My parents say no for NO GOOD REASON.
I feel like I should be singing a love ballad. Oh piggie, you are my one true love. My daddy said stay away from Juliet. And I was crying on the stair case, begging you please don't goooo . . .
Okay, so my love ballad morphed into Taylor Swift. BUT I WANT A PIGGIE EVEN MORE THAN SHE WANTS JOE JONAS BACK. Because you so know she does. But she isn't going to get over it if all her magazine profiles are all about him and how she's getting over him and how she is sooo happy to be single. The way to get over somebody is to stop TRYING and to just . . . move on. Live your life, go about your business, stop thinking about it, AND STOP GETTING INTERVIEWED ABOUT BEING A WOMAN SCORNED.

I want a pet pig. I am going to write a poem about it, and get backk to you, you nonexistent readers.


Friday, April 17, 2009


For the first time in a while I am going to post a shoe. If you are a true fashion lover like me, and missed the shoes, then suck it up and spend hours looking through all of and Shopbop. So yeah, complainer, I pwn your ass. Here it is, the Marc by Marc Jacobs Two-button Round-toe pump.



Wednesday is EARTH DAY. Not Arbor Day, but EARTH Day. And guess what awesome documovie is coming out on that oh-so-special day? EARTH, the movie. So you will be seeing me in theatres Mecredi night. Oh yes, I speak French. One of these days I will post an all-about-me thingie. But not right down, when my computer screen is well within my father's range of vision. GO SEE THE MOVIE AND PLANT A TREE. OR TWO. OR TEN.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009


First I want to shout-out to a certain JA and LO, for being the hottest guy and for being the bestest friend, respectively. Now . . .
I was so pleased to see Miley Cyrus on the cover of the May 2009 Teen Vogue. I think that it's great that she is breaking away from the Hannah Montana cover, as an actress, musician, and person. If anyone out there in cyberspace knows where I can find a good pic of the Marc Jacobs white jumpsuit she was wearing in the picture on p. 24, please comment and tell me where! If not, comment anyway!
I'm outie. Showertime! *slide dances and makes M.C. Hammer Hammertime joke*


P.S. See if you can spot me at Laguna Beach on Saturday! Me and that certain LO are going for some sun.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

In Other News . . .

Our new president rocks! He gives the Queen of England an iPod (and gets back the traditional but weird photo of her and the prince consort) and he hosts the first-ever Seder dinner (Seder is a part of Passover, the Jewish holiday meant to celebrate the Jews' escape from Egypt, and the name symbolizes the angel of death passing over the families as the last of the ten plagues the pharaoh set upon the slaves, which was the death of every first born son. He set the plagues on the people after Moses [who rocks] did his Let My People Go bit.) at the White House! Betcha a million bucks that tomorrow he hunts Easter Eggs with the kids on the White House lawn.


My Poetry Anthology (literally, mine)

To keep the poetry in this anthology fresh, I'm going to include a little poem of my own that I wrote yesterday. It's a little sad, but whatever. Like three quarters of the blogs out there are pity parties for depressed people. So I guess I fall neatly into that category.
Here it is, Doors and Windows, by Moi.

They are designed to
Let in
Keep out.
Which is more important?
Letting in
Keeping out?


I Told You I'd Think of Them

Here they are, the rest of my qualms with the Twilight book series and movie(s).
Bella is kind of mean. In Twilight, she "forgot everyone's names as soon as they spoke them." Just because she hates Forks doesn't mean it's okay to be mean to people and not even TRY to remember their names. And that's another thing. She's worse than Harry Potter (another favorite of mine, the WRITING is infinitely better than in Twilight)! If he loves "acting the hero," then she loves playing the martyr! In at least every book there is an instance of her thinking this is dumb and will hurt me (and others like EDWARD and JACOB but who cares about them) but I'm going to do it anyway because it will make me seem even more selfless!
And another point. In Breaking Dawn (the horrible book that stems most of my issues with the series), they say about Renesmee that while she is waiting for Edward and Bella to finish doing it (yet another thing that does not make sense), that "Esme sacrificed her second-best silver service to keep the little monster entertained." WHAT THE FUCK?? Why her second best silver service? Why does a vampire even have a silver service???? And why SECOND BEST? If the little kid is going to grow up so spoiled as to have a silver service as playthings, then why not FIRST best? And why would Esme have second best anything? If the Cullens are that rich, then why wouldn't it all be top quality???? Ugh. The entire book is terrible. I was fine with the rest of the series until that one came along. And about the movies - how is Dakota Fanning going the play Jane, the evil incarnate supreme (besides Aro and Caius who suck)??? And Paris "DWI" Hilton wants a part in New Moon??? GET REAL!
*Again, more later.


Friday, April 3, 2009

My Poetry Anthology

Seeing as it is now April, the month with the most springly springliness, I am going to post a spring-like poem that probably would have been better for March (it's about wind. You know the old saying: march winds bring april shower bring may flowers and so on) but I couldn't find a good one about rain. So here it is, Who Has Seen the Wind by Christina Georgina Rossetti.

Who has seen the wind?
Neither I nor you;
But when the leaves hang trembling
The wind is passing through.

Who has seen the wind?
Neither you nor I;
But when the trees bow down their heads
The wind is passing by.

And okay, there aren't any real leaves in April, but who cares? It's a great poem!


Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Today I am going to treat you to the joy of song. Simpsons style!

Spider pig, spider pig, does whatever a spider pig does. Can he swing, from a web? No he can't, he's a pig. Loook out, he is a spider pig.
